Circuit Showcase
45-90 min
Ages 8+
What Will You Learn?
Overview: Campers will share their projects with one another in a gallery-walk style mini Maker Faire. This will be an opportunity to share what campers made and enjoy what others created.
Communicate the design process as it applies to a project.
Share feedback about the designs of other campers in a supportive way.
Celebrate accomplishments.

Preparing for the Showcase
Explain the structure of today’s event to campers.
Everyone will set up an area with their favorite sample(s) of their work.
Campers will create a simple poster with their name and any information they want to include about their projects. Encourage campers to describe their design process, share their inspiration, and explain challenges they overcame. You may wish to give campers a heads up earlier in the week that they will be making a poster, so that they can work on it at home, if desired.
Half the group will travel for 15 minutes asking questions and giving encouragement while the other half present their work. Then the groups will switch places.
The goal is to be inspired by one another and give constructive feedback. If desired, and appropriate for social distancing, family can be invited.

Have campers prepare their space for the showcase.
Prepare your favorite projects to present. Make sure they are all powered.
Prepare and display a simple poster. Consider addressing specific questions on the posters, such as:
What were the steps in the process to create this work?
What did you learn?
What new skills did you develop?
What were some challenges you faced?
Divide the group into two groups and ensure each camper knows what group they are in.
If working online, consider using a tool like SeeSaw, Padlet, Makelet, or Google JamBoards to present camper work.

Host your showcase!
Mark the start and end times of the first cycle on a board.
Have group one stay with their projects and represent. Have the second group travel. In either case, encourage campers to present or travel with a friend or two if that makes them feel more comfortable.
If desired give campers sticky notes to leave encouragement and comments for presenters. (This gives campers mementos that celebrate their work to take home.)
Remind campers not to touch another camper’s work without permission.
After 15 minutes, switch groups and repeat.

Share Gratitude
Finish the week by sharing what you have learned and what you are thankful for about the experience.
Present Circuit Scout Certificates to each camper.

Adaptation for Virtual Learning
Working online or in a hybrid mode. you can adjust your showcase to be shared online.
Rather than setting up their projects physically, consider having students create a Google Slide or Jamboard presentation or share their work on Padlet or Wakelet.
Use breakout rooms for campers to share their work.
Consider making a simple website to share all the camper work with families.
Use a virtual format like Mozilla Hubs to create an interactive gallery.